Saturday, June 11, 2011

Orangutan saves drowning chick!

The curious ape was in its enclosure, when it noticed the bird's struggle in the pond

It yanked a leaf from a nearby bush and extended its arm out to the bird, beckoning to the chick in the hope that it will latch onto the leaf.

Onlookers cheered as orangutan managed to get the bird to grip the leaf for a split second only to have the bird drop again.

In a last-ditch attempt to rescue the chick, the orangutan gently waved the leaf in front of the bird which managed to latch on to it.

The ape plucked the bird from the water to the delight of the crowd. During the clip, one woman can be heard exclaiming:
"Oh my God look, that is unbelievable, he's got him."

The massive ape carried the chick back to the main part of its enclosure, where it tenderly placed it down on the grass and proceeded to gently stroke the bird.

Cathy Smith, from the Orangutan Foundation, said:
"They are very intelligent animals and can be very inquisitive.

"This shows how chilled out and good at problem solving these amazing creatures are.

"It's hard to say whether he knew he would be saving the chick but you never know. I have never heard of anything like this before."